• Posted by : Prashant Thursday 12 November 2020


    Straw Hats

    The Straw Hats of One Piece each bring their own set of strengths to the crew.

    It doesn’t take a genius to realize that the Straw Hat Pirates are not your average shonen bunch. Every aspect regarding this One Piece crew is head and shoulders above the conventional anime lead parties, whether be it the dynamics shared between them or their unique connection with the plot. Anime protagonist groups that could actually compete with the Strawhats are few and far between.

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    The whole group aside, even at an individual level, the Straw Hat Pirates are quite impressive. Each of their backstories links perfectly with who they are and who they aspire to be. Their growth and intricate development are undoubtedly their collective strong points. Their individual strong points, however, differ from one member to another. These strong points are the defining features that separate our heroes from the common folk.

    10Jinbe: Experience

    The Knight of the Sea, Jinbe, is certainly the most experienced member of the Strawhat Crew. For starters, experience comes with age, and Jinbe seconds only Brook when it comes to age.

    Furthermore, Jinbe is the most knowledgeable Straw Hat when it comes to piracy. After all, he captained his own ship for more or less a decade. Following his initiation, Jinbe’s role in the crew was cemented as Luffy’s advisor.

    9Brook: Adaptability

    Brook is the musician of the group as well as its jester. While his official roles are to keep the crew entertained, he is capable of much more. When he is idle, Brook can be found fooling around. But when push comes to shove, he can transform into a different person.

    His unfortunate encounter with Big Mom proves just that. Moreso, Brook is also the oldest member of the crew, hence his maturity shouldn't come as a surprise.

    8Franky: Science

    Franky’s strongest suit is the science that shaped his very body. Through science, he will be able to grow as an individual as well as assist the crew’s collective growth. The more science he accumulates, the more formidable he- and the Strawhat Crew- becomes.

    Back in Zou arc, Franky declared that he will build a weapon capable of damaging Kaido--  a testimony to his confidence in his science. 

    7Robin: Intel Gathering & Espionage

    Robin admitted it herself, she, as an archaeologist, specializes in intel gathering and...well, assassination. Using the skill sets she learned from Ohara, she is capable of uncovering the truths of the World. And using the skill sets she picked up from her experiences, she is able to provide the Straw Hats with various other forms of support.

    Not to mention that her devil fruit is super compatible with the path she has chosen.

    6Chopper: The Way Of Medicine

    To become the World’s greatest doctor is Chopper’s dream. The medicinal knowledge he accumulated along the way is what will push him closer to said dream.

    Not only does Chopper’s medicine cure the needy, but it also assists him in combat. Through the Rumble Balls he developed, he became one of a select few Zoan-users approaching devil fruit awakening. Heck! Some speculate that he already reached awakening-- Monster Point.

    5Nami: Navigation Skills

    Nami is easily one of the most talented navigators in the world of One Piece. It’s her navigation skills that make her one of the most essential members of the crew; only she can lead Luffy to his final destination.

    Although she has other roles in the crew, her navigation skills remain the most prominent. If her fighting strength or any other stats she harbors were as prevalent as her navigation talent, she would’ve been outright overpowered.

    4Usopp: Versatility

    Usopp prides himself on his huge assortment of skills capable of defeating the enemy. He might be the sniper of the crew, but sniping isn’t the only skill he is proficient at. His calculating brain is capable of forming instantaneous plans based on any scenario at hand.That’s how Usopp had fought, and that’s how he will always fight. He always picks the unconventional route; the one that’s the most convenient to him and his allies.

    3Sanji: Kindness

    Sanji’s kindness is sort of a double-edged sword. He has only grown so far as a fighter due to his urge to protect those close to him. He isn’t a fighting freak like Zoro, but he wouldn’t mind turning into one for the sake of his loved ones.

    Kindness can be said to be his driving factor to become stronger. But with all said and done, this excess kindness can sometimes backfire-- especially when he is dealing with a woman.

    2Zoro: Perseverance

    Zoro has always been a hard worker. In fact, it could be argued that he works harder than everyone else in the crew. All for the pursuit of his dream-- becoming the World’s most powerful swordsman.

    His perseverance also makes itself apparent whenever Zoro is engaged in combat. No matter how overwhelmed he is, he never loses confidence in his swords. It would take at least that much to pursue a dream as grand as his.

    1Luffy: Charisma

    Mihawk and a few other legends confirmed it themselves; Luffy’s strongest point is his ability to attract those around him-- extreme charisma. Whether be it a future Yonko, or the Pirate Empress herself; no one can withstand Luffy’s radiance.

    Fans have witnessed firsthand what Luffy’s charisma is capable of. Even a marine admiral, Fujitora, succumbed to it. It’s a gift that even he isn’t completely aware of.


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